Vox Music Player for iMac

Vox Music Player
Vox Playlist/ Song selection toggle
Vox Music Player
Vox Control Panel

If you are like me and have your music on different computers on your home network, and have music in different compression formats as well, then you have discovered that the iTunes music player just doesn’t get the job done.  Enter the Vox Music Player from Coppertino Inc.  Vox is pretty much a “Swiss Army Knife” of music players for the iMac. The Control Panel (shown at left) is both simple and elegant.   Note from the example the Album Artwork is displayed on the upper left corner of the Control Panel, the simple Yellow Horizontal Time Bar, the Song Title, Time Left, and Media-Type information all displayed above Pause and Forward/Reverse symbols.  The three horizontal and staggered bars below the Album Artwork “raises” and “lowers” song Selection Screen.  The Speaker symbol on the right side of the Vox Music Player control Panel, below the Time Remaining symbol supplies access to the Volume Controls, Equalizer, and numerous Equalizer Pre-sets.

Vox Music Player
Vox Playlist/ Song selection toggle

At the bottom left of the Control Panel on the Vox Music Player are three dots (see Red arrow on graphic).  This is a toggle between playlists and song selection.  To the immediate right is the “Jump to playing track” symbol, then the “Repeat” symbol, and finally the “Shuffle” symbol.

Here is Coppertino’s description of their product:

  • Play numerous lossy and lossless audio formats
  • Work with different audio sources including custom VOX Playlist, iTunes Library and online Radio
  • Keep your listening statistics up-to-date with your LastFM account by means of LastFM scrobbling
  • Automatically search for all the missing album artwork from MusicBrainz and LastFM databases
  • Open different playlist types including M3U, PLS, XSPF and the popular CUE format used to store CD rips
  • Control the player from the main interface, Dock context menu or main menu controls
  • Use keyboard media keys, headphones buttons and Apple Remote to control playback (requires VOX Preference Pane)
  • Easily add music via smart drop zones, ordinary open dialog and Finder context menu
  • Use equalizer with presets and custom mode, crossfade, fade on play/pause, converting music to 5.1 or 7.1 format
  • Preview album artwork right in the Dock icon
  • Convert stereophonic audio in your headphones to binaural using Bauer DSP (BS2B) technology
  • Pause playback automatically on headphones disconnection
  • Take full advantage of AirPlay (10.8+) to listen from any of your wireless output devices
  • Play audios stored on NAS devices and other network drives
  • Get system or Growl playback notifications

I have been using the Vox Music Player for several weeks, and it has done all I have asked it to do, from playing songs from different format types of playlists, to music from differing compressions.  The Vox Music Player is hard to beat, and best of all:  It’s FREE on the App Store.  What are you waiting for???

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