I use Photoshop CS5 on a 2015 MacBook Pro. The version of OS X is 13.6. CS5 and I are old friends, so I have never sought out newer versions of Photoshop. Until recently, Photoshop CS 5 has played well with all the different servers I have had over the years. My servers have always… Continue reading Fix Error “Photoshop Could Not Save File Because Write Access Was Not Granted”
Tag: Photoshop
Pixlr Image Editor Review
What Is Pixlr? Pixlr is an image editor from Autodesk, where it has some amazing engineering and entertainment software siblings : AutoCad, Maya, and many others. Adobe’s Photoshop is still the top ranking image editor, and trying to make any comparison between Pixlr and Photoshop is like comparing a bicycle to an F-18 fighter jet.… Continue reading Pixlr Image Editor Review
Open Source Software for Your Mac – Save Big / Loose Little
What Is Open Source Software? You just purchased your new Mac, and now it’s time to add software. Gulp! Sticker-shock, software is expensive. Here are some examples (Note: These are full version prices, not upgrades or student prices): Microsoft Office 2011 $148.99 Adobe Photoshop CS6 $413.99 Quark Express V 9.0 $1024.14 On the other hand,… Continue reading Open Source Software for Your Mac – Save Big / Loose Little