Best Usable iPad Apps for 2012

IMDb Movies & TV Start Up Screen

Making The Cut… For an iPad app to qualify for our LarryTalksTech “Best Usable iPad Apps for 2012” list, each winning app had to be: Used by us on a routine basis for more than 90 days Used more than any other app in its category User friendly – easy learning curve Either free or… Continue reading Best Usable iPad Apps for 2012

Waze: A Community Based GPS App

Menu for Waze GPS

Waze is a free mobile GPS app designed primarily for commuters. It relies on users to provide updates on locations of Police and emergency vehicles, accidents, traffic congestion, etc., then relays the real-time traffic information back to the GPS where the data is displayed in the form of icons on its map, and with more… Continue reading Waze: A Community Based GPS App