21 Free Must-Have Mac OS X Apps

  Foreword Located deep in the bowels of a subterranean man-cave in Southern California, the LarryTalksTech computers patiently await daily instructions from their users. Though there is a sprinkling of Debian Linux powered computers, the main work-horses here are Macs. As our capital expenditure budget is next to “0”, so open-source software answers most of… Continue reading 21 Free Must-Have Mac OS X Apps

WordPress Offers Distraction Free Writing. Who knew?

Who knew???

Several weeks ago, I wrote an article about a wonderful distraction free writing tool, aptly named FocusWriter (the article:  Use FocusWriter To Improve Your Writing).  I extolled the virtues of writing with a distraction free editor, and then told how I used FocusWriter to initially write an article; then, if I was using the piece… Continue reading WordPress Offers Distraction Free Writing. Who knew?

Use FocusWriter To Improve Your Writing

Screen-shot of FocusWriter on my Mac

I do a lot of writing. Articles, blogs, ad copy, ….. whatever. Regardless of what I am writing, it is a creative process, where ideally, ideas and concepts flow from my brain to my current project-document .  Distractions inhibit this creative process, and they are personal. What is a distraction to me, may not even… Continue reading Use FocusWriter To Improve Your Writing