Using A Virtual Private Network With Your Local Network

Who knew???

Three months ago, I added the use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to my arsenal of online protection (Click the article’s title here to learn more about VPN’s:  Virtual Private Network – Why And How To Use One).  As with most security applications, the more secure your system, the less convenient some of the… Continue reading Using A Virtual Private Network With Your Local Network

Commander One – An Ultimate Free Finder Alternative

In February, I posted an article titled “2 Free Finder Alternatives for OS X” (Click here to see the article).  MuCommander and XtraFinder are the subject programs, and both are, in my humble opinion, improvements over the OS X Finder. Now, an even stronger Finder alternative has emerged:  Commander One.  The program loads fast, has… Continue reading Commander One – An Ultimate Free Finder Alternative